Bumpy’s Doubles & Mixed Intermediate league

  • Sport: Pickleball
  • Format: Doubles - 2v2
  • Locations: Bumpy Pickle
  • Days of the week: Tuesday
  • Started on : Started on Tuesday, January 3
  • Dates: 1.3, 1.10, 1.17, 1.24, 1.31, 2.7
  • Times: 7:00 PM, 7:20 PM, 7:40 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:20 PM, 8:40 PM, 9:00 PM

Signup Deadline: Monday, January 2

- Registration fee $150
- Dobles or mixed (2v2)
- Each team will play at least 2 matches per night
- All teams make it to playoffs
- Playoffs are single elimination
- Matches are played 2 out of 3 games, games are to 11 points
- Teams are allowed to have a maximum of 3 substitutes per season
- Games should start at the scheduled time or team who is not ready will be penalized with a game loss for every 10 minutes they are late
- Teams should bring their own paddles and pickleballs
- Paddle rentals are $5 ( Free for members )
- Members get a 15% for league registration
- League players get 15% discount for all retail
Withdrawal policy: If you decide to withdraw from the league after it has started a 100 dollar fee will be charged to your account and given out to the remaining teams as compensation in the form of a bar tab
Forfeit policy: Every day you forfeit by not showing up or notifying the league manager 48 hours before your first scheduled match will result in a $15 per match fine to be paid out to the opposing team in the form of a bar tab.

  • Coed 3.0-3.5

    • Level: Intermediate
    • Age: 18 and Up
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost:
      • Team